
Since developing the Teaching Exemplars I have been invited by colleagues to conduct seminar/workshops at universities across Australia. Hundreds of attendees have now engaged with the Approaches to Indigenous Teaching and responses have been very positive.

Workshop participants have included both Indigenous and non-Indigenous university staff. Academics; directors and staff of Indigenous centres; student support staff; and senior administrators including Deans and Pro-Vice-Chancellors have all attended. Each workshop is planned in consultation with Indigenous colleagues at the various institutions.

Rather than formal presentations, these sessions are mostly interactive workshops. Workshop content/themes are tailored to ensure relevance to the academic audience and the student cohort: for example, workshops conducted in Central Australia may focus upon practical approaches to teaching Indigenous students from traditional community backgrounds. By contrast, on metropolitan campuses the emphasis may be on how to teach Indigenous curriculum/subject matter to large classes of nonIndigenous students, often in the context of mandatory course content which students may not have otherwise elected to study.

The ‘Fifteen Approaches to Indigenous Teaching’ were originally designed to be generic in nature, so that visitors to this website could identify for yourselves the most relevant to your context.

For the purposes of the various workshops I devised two separate handouts:

 ‘Ten Suggested Approaches to Teaching Indigenous Students’

 ‘Ten Suggested Approaches to Teaching Indigenous Curriculum’

There is quite a lot of overlap, as effective teaching of Indigenous students requires many of the same approaches as effective teaching of Indigenous subject matter. If you are interested in a workshop at your institution, please contact me.